In their long recapitulation of the case that Russia subverted the 2016 election, Scott Shane and Mark Mazzetti of The New York Times painted a picture of highly effective Russian government exploitation of social media for that purpose. Shane and Mazzetti asserted that “anti-Clinton, pro-Trump messages shared with millions of voters by Russia could have made the difference” […]
Read MoreArmy Launches Investigation Over Meeting Between Soldiers & Tommy Robinson
“We are aware of a photograph and video of a group of Army personnel on social media and are investigating the circumstances surrounding this. Anyone who is in breach of the Army’s values and standards will face administrative action.” So apparently the British Army’s values and standards now include appeasement and surrender to Islamization. It […]
Read MorePolice still not investigating Leave campaigns, citing ‘political sensitivities’
The Metropolitan Police has stalled the launch of any criminal investigation into three pro-Brexit campaigns – citing “political sensitivities”, openDemocracy can reveal today. Despite being handed their first dossier of evidence of potential crimes committed by pro-Leave groups over five months ago, the police force has made no progress nor logged a formal case into […]
Read MoreRacist CNN: Panel calls Kanye West a “Token Negro” for supporting Trump
Imagine if Fox News used such language to describe an Obama supporter who is white. This detestable language should not come as a surprise to anyone. Don Lemon is perhaps CNN’s chief slanderer. Every night, the arrogant Don Lemon subjects his viewers to vicious, misleading, dishonest, and bias coverage of the President. However, Don Lemon […]
Read MoreIllegal Alien Births of Anchor Babies Cost U.S. Taxpayers $2.4B Every Year
Illegal alien births of anchor babies in the United States cost American taxpayers billions of dollars every year, a new analysis reveals. Every year, American taxpayers are billed about $2.4 billion to pay for the births of illegal aliens, according to research by the Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research, Steven Camarotta. The children of […]
Read MoreFBI Steals Treasure Hunters’ Civil War Gold Worth Up To $250 Million
Dennis and Kem Parada have spent years prospecting for a legendary stash of Civil War gold in Dents Run, Pennsylvania. They aren’t the first to search for the cache. Generations of treasure hunters have tried to find the gold, which is believed to have been lost or stolen around the time of the 1863 Battle […]
Read MoreHillary Says Misconduct Allegations Against Bill Different from Kavanaugh
Hillary Clinton told the far-left CNN that the sexual misconduct allegations against her husband were different than those against Brett Kavanaugh. The interview was conducted by the left-wing Christiane Amanpour. It was made up of 30 minutes of softballs that allowed Hillary to tee off on whatever she wanted (primarily President Trump) without any tough […]
Read MoreAmericans Will Not Travel During The Holidays Because They Can’t Afford To Do So
We have repeatedly been told that the U.S. economy is “booming”, but meanwhile the middle class in the United States continues to be hollowed out. The financial bubbles that the Federal Reserve has created have been a great blessing for those at the very top of the economic pyramid, but most of the country is still […]
Read MoreHere’s A Look At The Destruction Caused By Hurricane Michael
Hurricane Michael hit Florida’s panhandle Wednesday afternoon and began pushing farther into the U.S., leaving buildings in shambles and homes under water. Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott requested that President Donald Trump issue a major disaster declaration following Michael’s impact to free up more federal resources for damaged Florida communities. The following videos show Mexico […]
The transcript, according to The Intercept, was from a July 18 conversation involving Google’s search engine chief, Ben Gomes, regarding the development of a censored search engine for China that would “blacklist phrases” including: • human rights, • student protest, and • Nobel Prize. Gomes reportedly said Google needed to be “focused on what we […]
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