Facebook, Twitter, Google, Etc. are Subversive to American Government

Subversive-Tending to subvert; having a tendency to overthrow and ruin. Public corruption of morals is subversive of public happiness.

Subversion-Entire overthrow; an overthrow of the foundation; utter ruin; as the subversion of a government or state. The subversion of the constitution or laws. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary 

What if I told you that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and other big tech companies are subversive to American government; and what they are advocating is completely illegal in this country?

Facebook sells itself as an American online social networking service company. Apparently, it is only for those who are willing to socialize in pushing the same illegal propaganda.

For example, they advance homosexuality and sodomy (Jude 1:7). For those who have not taken the time to peruse the United States Constitution and its enumerated laws you may want to do so, that is if you would like to remain a free people (2 Corinthians 3:17). In every state in our Union, homosexuality and sodomy is a felony.  Yet, these big tech companies are banning and censoring people who are making reference to our constitutional laws (Romans 3:20) in exposing the crimes of those who are guilty as charged.  With the use of the revisionists, they now call it “hate speech.”

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